Toad Head Agamas
Talk about the worlds craziest looking lizard! You keep these pretty much like a bearded dragon, just a tad hotter, and an only insect diet.
They come from Russia, and toad head agamas are the worst name they could have gotten! These should be called nightmare agamas, or ill eat your face agamas…hahaha they are full grown at 8-10″ with tail and are phenomenal, active cool lizards to watch.
Shipping your new Toad Head Agama:
We ship our lizards FED EX overnight. Most packages arrive by 10:30am. If you live in a smaller town, or in a rural area it may arrive between 12-4pm.
We also offer HOLD FOR PICKUP at your closest FedEx center, so you can pick the package up after work/school.
Our shipping days are Monday- Thursday. Reptile orders placed before 2pm usually get shipped the same day .
Reptile orders placed after 2pm, get shipped the following day.
Ex: If you place your order at 5pm Monday, we will ship tuesday, and you will receive Wed. Morning.